続 今日の英語


Reach out and have a good gas bag to someone. Chew the fat. Talk turkey. Communicate.

 Yasmin Boland の西洋占星術・本日の山羊座予報より。今は人とコミュニケーションをとる時だ、といった内容。

  • "chew the fat/rag" で「とりとめもないおしゃべりをする(chat in a leisurely way, esp. at length.)」という意味。目的なしにおしゃべりを楽しむ感じ。
    • Let's chew the fat some time.
    • Let's get together for coffee and chew the fat.
    • I had a great time chewing the fat with my old friend.
    • We spent the evening watching the TV and chewing the fat.
    • We spent hours just chewing the rag.
  • 前にとりあげた "talk turkey" もでてきた(07/8/26)
  • "gas bag"って何?と思ったら辞書に"gasbag=a person who talks too much, typically about unimportant things/One given to empty or boastful talk"とあった(windbagも同意)。「おしゃべりがすぎる人/中身のない話をべらべらしゃべる人」といった、あんまりよくない意味っぽい。
    • She is an annoying, self-righteous gasbag.
    • Are you a gasbag who wants to hear yourself talk, or are you actually helping people?
    • Personally, I thought he was a gasbag.
  • "reach out to someone" は "to show people that you are interested in them and want to listen to them / to make a special effort to communicate with or help someone."。
    • I was going through a hard time, and he really reached out to me during that period.
    • He used his dance company as a way of reaching out to African-American youth.
    • So far, his administration has failed to reach out to hardline Republicans. ※administration/政権 hardline/強硬派の Republicans/共和党
    • He felt such an urge to reach out to his fellow sufferer.