続 今日の英語


第14回-08/7/11 words & expressions

  • beneficial
  • full ten days
  • She got me into this.
  • obsess/(強迫観念・妄想・欲望などが)〜を支配する、〜の頭から離れない
  • how long is your contract
  • you're not temporary
  • is it based in Tokyo?
  • demerge/(企業を)別会社に分割する ←→ merge/合併する
  • company gets/takes a cut
  • distant relative
  • in the top ten
  • olderをbiggerと言ってしまうあり得ない間違いをした!
  • second cousin
  • sibling
  • spouse
  • close-knit/(of group of people) united or bound together by strong relationships
    • Do you have a close-knit family?
  • we bonded
  • nuke it
  • they're usually together
  • reading aloud
  • that much you like to read?
  • I'm not such a social butterfly.(08/8/21)
  • who cares? ※音楽のジャンルについての話題で、興味のないものについて
  • hard core/popular music that is experimental in nature and typically characterized by high volume and aggressive presentation.
  • Should be a freebee/freebie ※freebie/a thing given free of charge
  • got hitched = tied the knot = got married (08/12/5)
  • celebrity
  • busty pinup model ※busty=having large breasts
  • carve out a career/キャリアを築く
  • she has pulled out of a theatrical production (08/7/18 言いたかった英単語)
  • fussy
  • mistress/愛人
  • Some people never learn
  • it's touching
  • touchy/怒りっぽい、短気な ※touching(感動的な)と間違えないように!

●プリントワーク animal idiom

  1. be like a bull in a china shop (=to often drop or break things because you move awkwardly or roughly/a person with no tact who upsets others or upsets plans)
    • My brother's like a bull in a china shop. He's really clumsy.
    • He is like a bull in a china shop so you should be careful if you invite him to your house for the weekend.
    • Rob's like a bull in a china shop - don't let him near those plants.
    • She's like a bull in a china shop when it comes to dealing with people's feelings. (= behaves in a way that offends people)
  2. (as) blind as a bat (=having very bad eyesight.)
    • Without my glaces, I can't see anything. I'm as blind as a bat.
  3. fight like cat and dog (=to argue violently all the time)
    • My sister and I fight like cat and dog.
    • We get on very well as adults but as kids we fought like cat and dog.
  4. a snake in the grass (=someone who pretends to be your friend while secretly doing things to harm you.)
    • Don't trust Monique. Nothing she says is true. She's a real snake in the grass.
    • It's upsetting to learn that someone you once viewed as a good colleague is in fact a snake in the grass.
  5. be like a bear with a sore head (=to be in a bad mood which causes you to treat other people badly and complain a lot)
    • My sister's really grumpy, especially first thing in the morning. She's like a bear with a sore head when she gets up.
    • If his newspaper doesn't arrive by breakfast time he's like a bear with a sore head.
  6. crocodile tears (=fake tears)
    • Marie cried when she broke up with her boyfriend, but she wasn't really upset -- they were crocodile tears.
  7. eat like a pig (=to eat a lot, or eat noisily and unpleasantly)
    • Jean Luc loves food, but he eats like a pig.
  8. at a snail's pace (=very slowly)
    • We got stuck in an awful traffic jam yesterday. The car hardly moved at all for an hour. We were travelling at a snail's pace.
    • The action moves at a snail's pace in this film, as if all the characters were asleep.
  9. dog work  ※work like a dog =to work very hard
    • My brother and I baked a cake for my mum's birthday. I did all the dog work. He only put the candle on the cake.
    • He worked like a dog all day to finish the wallpapering.
  10. cry wolf (=call for help when it is not needed, with the effect that one is not believed when one really does need help)
    • If you keep making a fuss about little things, no one will take you seriously when something goes wrong. You know what happened to the boy who cried wolf.

●プリントワーク food idiom/expression

  1. piece of cake
  2. my cup of tea
  3. a couch potato
  4. go nuts (=get excited over something)
    • Andre suffers from terrible road rage. If another driver cuts him up or pulls out in front of him, he just goes nuts. ※cut him up/割り込み pull out in front of him/横道からの割り込み
  5. butter wouldn't melt in someone's mouth (=look very innocent)(08/8/17)
    • Michel looks as if butter wouldn't melt in his mouth, but don't be taken in by him. I wouldn't trust him an inch. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing. ※be taken in/だまされる
  6. as cool as a cucumber (=don't get worried by anything)
    • Ana was standing in a queue at the bank when two robbers burst in and held up the staff. Some of the customers started screaming but Ana was as cool as a cucumber. She took out her mobile phone and called the police.
  7. the best/greatest thing since sliced bread (=excellent!!)
    • Elena thinks her new WAP phone is the best thing since sliced bread.
  8. feel like a fish out of water (=feel uncomfortable because you feel you don't belong in a place or situation)
    • I turned up at a party last night wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Everyone else was dressed formally. I felt like a fish out of water.
  9. peanuts (=a very small amount of money)
    • Pierre works on the checkout at her local supermarket. They pay him peanuts.
  10. sour grapes (=the attitude of pretending to hate something because one cannot have it oneself) (if you say that something someone says in sour grapes, you mean that they said it because they are jealous)
    • What does Sabine mean, she didn't want to win the art competition!? She spent ages doing her project! I think it's just sour grapes on her part. She's jealous, because someone else won instead of her.