続 今日の英語


The period between Christmas and New Year's should knock your socks off!

 Susan Millerの西洋占星術山羊座9月の予報より。9月の…なのに今年の終わりくらいにかけてまで書いてあった。 "November is shaping up to be a terrific time romantically, and the period between Christmas and New Year's should knock your socks off!" だそうで、よろしくお願いしますw

  • "knock somebody's socks off" で、「〜を(いい意味で)びっくりさせる/強く感銘を与える、感動させる」(to surprise and excite someone very much (usually in a positive way)/to affect or impress you in a very strong and favorable way/to impress greatly; amaze; stun.)という使い方。
    • Do you want to hear something that will knock your socks off?
    • Knock his socks off this Father's Day! (※父の日ギフトの紹介で)
    • The magazine is beautiful and combines color and unusual design in a way that knocks your socks off.
    • This song will knock your socks off.
    • You wouldn't expect teenagers to sing opera, but these kids will knock your socks off.
    • new band that will knock your socks off
    • a singer that will knock your socks off