続 今日の英語


Things you might not usually say, or even things you managed to keep bottled up inside you for YEARS, could be coming to the surface now.


  • bottle something upで「(感情などを)内に秘める」という意味。(to deliberately not allow yourself to show a strong feeling or emotion ※deliberately:慎重に /to not express something /to hold one's feelings within /to keep from saying something that one feels strongly about/repress or conceal feelings over a period of time)
  • 私は今まで、「何かを喋らずに内緒にしておくこと」だと思っていたけれど、その「何か」がfeelingやemotionを対象としていることを今回初めて知った。過去、レッスンで耳にした感じだと、必ずしも感情に限らなかった気がしてたんだけど・・・それが "something that one feels strongly about"で、感情そのものとは限らず、すごく言いたいと思っていること、と考えると辻褄はあうか。
    • Let's talk about it, John. You shouldn't bottle it up.
    • Don't bottle up your problems. It's better to talk them out.
    • Don't bottle it up inside you.
    • Don't bottle up all your feelings.
    • I can't bottle it up!
    • She bottled up her emotions throughout the tournament.
    • The more you bottle that anger up, the more likely it is that it will explode.
    • It is far better to cry than to bottle up your feelings.