続 今日の英語


Skip it, brainiac.


  • skip it=もうこれ以上話を続けたくないような時に「もういいよ/忘れて/そんなのどうでもいい」というニュアンスで。Never mindと同じような意味だけど、怒った時やこれ以上話を続けるのが面倒だからもういいよ!っていう時に使うラフなイメージ?(used to say angrily and rudely that you do not want to talk about something/Drop the subject, ignore the matter/it doesn't matter!)
    • "Sorry, what were you saying?""'Oh, skip it!"
    • Oh, just skip it! You always make your parents out to be horrible people, but they aren't, and I'm tired of hearing it.
    • "I need some help on this project." "What?" "oh, skip it!"
    • " Will you be able to do this, or should I get someone with more experience? ""What did you say? ""oh, skip it!"
    • " I don't understand what you mean.""Oh, skip it for now."