続 今日の英語


You had everyone else fallin' for it! Not Zenigata!


  • fall for somethingで「〜を簡単に信じる」(to believe something without reservation ※without reservation:率直に/to believe something that is not true)という意味に。ここではルパンが死んだことをみんなに信じさせた、という流れ。
    • Surely, you don't expect me to fall for that!
    • She fell for the excuse I gave her about getting stuck in traffic.
    • I stupidly fell for his story until someone told me he was already married.
  • ちなみにfall for someone と、forの後が人になると、「恋に落ちる」という意味になる。(to fall in love with someone/to find someone attractive and begin to love them)
    • I fell for her in a big way. She's gorgeous!
    • Ted fell for Alice and they decided to get married.
    • They met at a friend's house and fell for each other immediately.