続 今日の英語


Can't put me finger on what lies in store...But I feel what's to 'appen, all ' appened before...


  • 以前英会話で配られたプリントを見ていたら、イディオムの紹介で "put one's finger on"=「はっきりとわかる、的確に指摘・説明する」(identify something exactly, find out)の補足に、通常否定文(can'tと一緒に)使われることが多い、と補足メモをとっていて、ああ、「メリーポピンズ」の歌詞でもそうだったなあ、と授業中も思ったのを思い出した。(※歌詞中、can't my finger onじゃなくてcan't put me finger になっているのはバートがコックニー(ロンドン下町)訛りという設定だから。…といってもバート役を演じたディック・ヴァン・ダイクコックニーはひどすぎると悪評があるけれど。)
  • プリントでの例文は "Janice put her finger on the source of the problem." で、このように肯定文で使われることはあまりない、との補足説明があった。ちなみにプリントワークでは、フォーマルな場では "Janice identified the source of the problem." という表現のほうが好ましい、という単語の置き換え。
    • He cannot put his finger on what has gone wrong.
    • There was something about the man that worried Wycliffe, but he couldn't put his finger on it.
    • That is correct! You have certainly put your finger on the problem.
    • When she mentioned money, she really put her finger on the problem.
    • I know there's something wrong, but I can't put my finger on exactly what it is.
    • I think you've just put your finger on the biggest problem facing the Conservative party in this election.
    • There's something wrong with his story, but I can't put my finger on what it is.
  • ちなみに "in store" もイディオムで「(物・事が)待ち受けて、起ころうとして」(coming in the future; about to happen/awaiting someone in the future)「〜に」と対象になる人が示される時は "in store for someone"。
    • He did not yet know what lay in store for him.
    • None of us knows what lies in store for us tomorrow.
    • Some good lies in store for me, I think.
    • There's a real treat in store for you this Christmas!
    • As we left, I wondered what the future held in store.