続 今日の英語


I'm sorry for making you go through all this.


  • go through=「困難な事などを経験する/手続きをふむ」など(to experience a difficult or unpleasant situation, feeling etc/to experience a particular process)。この場合だったら日本語でいうところの「手間をかける/面倒な手続きをする」が適当かと。
  • たまに生きた英語に接すると、表現自体の真新しさよりも、こういうシチュエーションではこういう風に言うのか!と、はっとする。
    • When you're going through a crisis, it often helps to talk to someone.
    • He's going through a divorce at the moment.
    • It is devastating for a parent to watch a child go through misery. ※devastating/衝撃的な
    • Candidates must go through a process of selection.
    • Caterpillars go through several stages of growth.
    • The pickles went through a number of processes before they were packed.
    • Johnny is going through a phase where he wants everything his way.