続 今日の英語


Blessing in Disguise

 Nikkei.net配信のpodcast 「南美布の step up with TOEIC」で紹介されていた表現。

  • 今年は自転車が手に入らなそうで落ち込んでいた私をなぐさめるかのような英語のことわざだった。直訳すると「変装した幸い」。一見不幸や不運に見えることでも、それは本当は幸運が姿を変えているだけなのかもよ!ということ。
    • "The hotel is full tonight; we will need to find a new place to stay." "Maybe it's just a blessing in disguise."
    • "I lost my job and was upset at first, but I found a better one and have been much happier since." "Losing your job was just a blessing in disguise!"
    • "My car broke down again, but maybe it was a blessing in disguise; I've been wasting too much time driving around anyway."