続 今日の英語


It didn't meet my expectation.


  • meet使うんだ、意外!と思ってメモとってたんだけど、ちゃんと調べたらmeetには「(必要・用件・条件などを)満たす」という意味があった。( fulfill or satisfy (a need, requirement, or condition)/ satisfy a condition or restriction/to do something that someone wants, needs, or expects you to do or be as good as they need, expect etc)
    • Does this paper meet the requirements for the degree?
    • This policy is doing nothing to meet the needs of women.
    • The company says it is unable to meet the workers' demands for higher wages.
    • beaches which meet European standards of cleanliness
  • 前にもmeetの知らない使い方あったよね。meet a problem とか meet a deadline とか。(09/1/29)meetあなどれないな。奥が深いな。