続 今日の英語


I could always do with the money.

 BBCドラマ「シャーロック」エピソード2 "The Blind Banker" より。職探し中のワトスンは代診医の面接へ。あなたのようなちゃんとした経歴を持つ方に、こんな簡単な仕事はどうかしら、と言われ、こう答える。

  • "can(could)+do with〜"という形で「〜が必要だ/〜があるとありがたい」という意味に。(to be helped by having (something)/to need or want something/to want or need someone or something; to benefit from someone or something/used to say that you need or would like to have something/want something very much)
    • I could do with a cup of hot coffee right now!
    • I could do with a little less criticism right now, if you don't mind!
    • I could have done with some help this morning.
    • She could do with a night's sleep.
    • I could do with a nice cool drink right now.
    • I could do with some help on this project.
    • You look as if you could do with a haircut.
    • Her hair could have done with a wash.
    • I could do with a rest.
  • withをwithoutにして(could do without〜)「〜が不要である、欲しくない、〜にイライラする」という意味で使う時もある。
    • I can do without your complaints first thing in the morning.
    • You can do without all that hassle.
    • Those are the type of stupid remarks I can do without.