続 今日の英語


Tokitenku is very serious by nature.


  • 日本語のコメントを英語に翻訳されているのを聞いたんだけど、「根っからの」って言ってるセリフを「by nature」であらわしてるのがうまいなあ、と思った。natureで人の性格をあらわすことができる。
    • She was by nature a very affectionate person.(affectionate:愛情のこもった、やさしい)
    • I'm not violent by nature.
    • I tried appealing to his better nature (=his feelings of kindness) but he wouldn't agree to help us.
    • Of course she's jealous - it's only human nature (=the feelings and ways of behaving that all people have).
    • It's just not in Jane's nature to lie.
    • it's not in her nature to listen to advice
    • a child with a happy, easy-going nature