続 今日の英語


I was just a kid, I got all mixed up.


  • "mix up" には単純に「混ぜる」とか「混同する」のほかに、「(悪事などに)かかわりあう」という意味がある。"get mixed up"なら、"mix up" させられた状態になるのだから、「(悪事に)かかわる(to be involved in an illegal or dishonest activity)」ってこと。ちょっと意外。
    • He's the last person I'd expect to be mixed up in something like this.
    • I'd have to be crazy to get mixed up in that kind of thing.
    • When he left college he got mixed up with the wrong people.
    • Steve was mixed up in an insurance swindle.( swindle:詐欺)