続 今日の英語


Re-edit that page of your book of life that says love is for the birds.

 Penny Thorntonの西洋占星術山羊座の今週の週報より。今はラブ運がとってもいいのよ!みたいな内容で。

  • "be (strictly) for the birds" で「価値のないもの/とるに足らないもの/無駄なもの(useless or worthless; not to be taken seriously)」という意味に。古い表現とのこと。この占いはこのあと"No, it's for you too.(for the birdsじゃなくて、あなたのためにもあるのよ)"となっていて、うまい。
    • This pizza is for the birds!
    • This conference is for the birds--let's leave now.
    • It was a beautiful wedding, but the food was for the birds.
    • The movie was for the birds so we left early and went to eat.