TRY TO-wear your heart on your sleeve more
Frank Pilkingtonの占星術・山羊座今週の予報より。
- 一瞥して「気持ちを袖の下に隠して→感情を出さないように」かなあ、となんとなく思ってたら、まったく逆の意味で自分のふがいなさにちょっと笑ってしまった。袖の下に隠すなら、onじゃなくてunderだもんね・・・。
- "wear one's heart on one's sleeve" で「気持ちをあからさまに表現する(To show one's feelings clearly and openly by one's behavior)」という意味に。"pin one's heart on one's sleeve" も同意。
- He's not a kind of guy who wears his heart on his sleeve.
- Be careful when you talk to her. Never wear your heart on your sleeve.
- I guess I wore my heart on my sleeve.
- He's always worn his heart on his sleeve, so there's no doubt who he'll be supporting.
- You always know where John stands because he wears his heart on his sleeve.