第20回-08/8/29 words & expressions
- second last day
- the hard disk is fried/HDが故障した radio, car などに使える。overused, too old, damaged が原因で壊れること
- my brother's computer caught a virus. ※catchを使うのか・・・
- pirated movies/海賊版映画
- it ran me 270,000 yen.
- loose animals
- did you get good waves?
- it's so hard to balance
- it's easier to balance
- did you get a tan?
- japanese women don't like tans.
- muscle tear
- i'm stuck
- back to work
- what do you take pictures up? = what kind of pictures do you take?
- from scratch
- endurance race
- where is the race held?
- italicize/イタリック体で印刷されている(辞書では「イタラサイズ」なんだけど、先生は「アイタラサイズ」と言っていた)
- kick something around
- choose your top two!! ※レストランで、「食べたいもの2つ選んで!」
- I'm not a morning/night person. (08/4/20)
- the tree fell down and the road was blocked
- reconcile/和解する、和睦する
- compose
- make out/イチャイチャする
- That couple is making out in the car.
- pull yourself together = get control of your emotions, calm down
- you never drink to the point where you can't remember
- early to bed, early to rise/早寝早起き(Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise)
- always in a rush
- cut down/(量を)減らす
- try quitting cold turkey
- ニコチンの発音がニコティーンだった
- I crave cigarettes. crave=feel a powerful desire for
- You used to crave cigarettes.
- and yourself?
- come to the office by 8 o'clock.
- good chance to change your style
- how the story ends?
- my dad's car is his precious thing
- don't mess with the car ※mess with= to get involved with someone or something that may cause problems or be dangerous
- I dozed off. ※doze off/居眠りする(sleep lightly)(08/12/7)
- 司会/emcee
- administrator= someone whose job involves managing the work of a company or organization
- kick (an idea) around = discuss, think about/talk about informally
- What is the benefit of kicking an idea around instead of making an immediate decision?
- I kick an idea around in my head for a long time.
- We kicked that suggestion around and in the end decided to go ahead.
- I'm kicking around it in my head.
- make up (3ways)
- What kind of excuses do people make up for being late to an important event?
- Me and my girlfriend had a fight, and my brother said you shouldn't fight with your girlfriend, go make up!
- Me and my boss had an argument, but in the afternoon, we made up.
- Have you ever made up with someone? How did you feel about making up with the person?
- Do you know how many states made up the original United States in 1776?
- pull together information = gather information
- Where could you go to pull together information for a research report?
- I'm still pulling together information.
- kick the habit
- Have you ever succeeded in kicking the habit of cigarettes, smoking, drinking alcohol, or some other bad habit?
- cover up= hide, conceal
- Have you ever cover up an embarrassing situation?