続 今日の英語


Listen closely for unabashed giggling.

 最近購入した本『Balance--a guide to life's forgotten pleasures』(邦題:『人生をひそかに楽しむための45の方法』)より、人生をひそかに楽しむためのHow toのひとつ「How to give a piggyback ride」より。

  • listenのあとがtoじゃないことが気になって調べてみた。すると"listen for something"で「特定の音を聴くために気をつけて耳を澄ませる、聞こうとする(to listen carefully so that you will notice a particular sound/make an effort to hear something/be alert and ready to hear something) 」という意味だった。
    • I will have to let you in the front door if you come home late. I will listen for you.
    • I am listening for the telephone.
    • They listened for sounds from the baby's room.
    • Listen for the moment when the music changes.
  • piggyback (ride)は「おんぶ、肩車」のこと。unabashedは「恥ずかしがらずに/臆面もなく」。
  • How to give a piggyback ride
    1. Convince friend to abandon pride and hop onto your back. (Fig1: a standing woman and a man who is bending forward)
    2. Have friend hold on to shoulders--not hair, head, or ears. (Fig2: a woman is piggybacking on a man)
    3. Run around. Listen closely for unabashed giggling. (Fig3: a man giving a piggyback ride is running around)