続 今日の英語


I bought just this and that.

 英会話レッスンにて。what's new?の問いかけに、東京に買い物に行ったというクラスメイト。買った物を聞かれ、たいしたものは買ってないけど…という返答。その時に教わった表現。

  • this and that=「あれやこれや(various unspecified things/various different things, subjects etc)」 "this, that and the other"とも。
  • 簡単な表現だし、聞けば意味も簡単にとれるけれど、自分が使おうと思ったら、意識しないと出なさそう。
    • You see a lot of activity in the park, people riding bikes, playing ball, doing this and that.
    • What have you two been gossiping about all evening?---Oh, just this and that.
    • They stayed up chatting about this and that.
    • He said this and that about the budget, but nothing new or of great substance. ※substance/本質、内容
    • We spent all evening chatting about this, that, and the other.