続 今日の英語


Piss off!

 BBCドラマ「シャーロック」エピソード1 "A Study in Pink" より。ワトスンがアフガニスタンの兵役あがりなこと、酒飲みの兄弟がいることなどをどうやって言い当てたのか説明するホームズ。一通り説明が終わるとワトスンは一言「すごい…!」。ホームズはちょっとびっくりして、本気で言ってるのか?普通みんなそうは言わない、と答える。じゃあ普通みんなどんな反応なんだい?と聞くワトスン。ホームズの答えがこれ。

  • piss off=「(通常怒った感じで命令形で)立ち去る」(to go away - used especially to tell someone to go away/go away (usually used to angrily dismiss someone)/to leave or go away, used especially as a rude way of telling someone to go away)。イギリス英語。pissを使っているだけあって乱暴な表現。
    • Now piss off and leave me alone!
    • He pissed off before we got there.
    • Why don't you just piss off and leave me alone?
    • Everyone just pissed off and left me to clean up.
    • Why don't you just piss off - you've caused enough problems already!
  • piss someone off の形になると「〜をイライラさせる、むかつかせる」(annoy someone/to make somebody annoyed or bored/ to make someone angry. )となる。カジュアルな会話でけっこう使われるけれど、ラフな表現なので使う時には気をつけてとのこと。(辞書の注釈:Crude. Potentially offensive, even though it is widely used. Use with discretion. ※crude:粗野な ※discretion:思慮深さ)こちらの表現はどちらかというと北米でよく使われるみたい。
    • He never does any washing-up and it's starting to piss me off.
    • Her attitude really pisses me off.
    • It really pissed me off that they didn't help me out when I needed it.
    • I think everyone is pissed off about the parking problem.
    • She really pissed me off!
    • That's enough to piss off anybody.
    • The way she treats me really pisses me off.
