They can keep an eye out.
BBCドラマ「シャーロック」エピソード1 "A Study in Pink" より。犯人をおびきだそうとしたが失敗に終わった2人はベイカー街221Bへと帰る。「なぜレストランに戻らないんだい?」と問いかけるワトスンに答えるホームズ。theyを犯人側として訳してみたけれど、ホームズの味方であるレストラン側だととらえると、「彼らが見張っていてくれるさ」というニュアンスになる。ちょっとどちらかわからない。日本語版ではどうなっていたんだろう。
- "keep an eye out (for something)"=「(〜が現れるの)を見張る、警戒する」(to watch carefully so that you will notice when someone or something appears/to watch for the arrival or appearance of someone or something.)。似たような表現で "keep an eye on something/somebody"=「〜から目を離さない」(to look after someone or something and make sure that they are safe/to carefully watch everything that someone does, especially because you do not trust them/ to watch someone or something; to monitor someone or something closely.)っていうのはよく聞くけど、こちら(keep an eye out)は今回初めて聞いた気がする。何かが現れるのを見張る、って感じか。
- Keep an eye out for rabbits in the field.
- Please try to have an eye out for the bus.
- Keep an eye out for rain.
- Have your eye out for a raincoat on sale.
- Three aircraft kept an eye out for the submarine while waiting for help to arrive.
- I always kept my eye out for strangers.
- Police have asked residents to keep an eye out for anything suspicious.
- 一応 keep an eye on の例文も。
- Mary will keep an eye on the kids this afternoon.
- We keep a watchful eye on our elderly neighbors.
- We want Taylor in jail where we can keep an eye on him.
- I have my eye on the apple tree. When the apples ripen, I'll harvest them.
- Please keep an eye on the baby.
- Will you please keep your eye on my house while I'm on vacation?
- Will you keep an eye on my suitcase while I get something to eat?