続 今日の英語


Why didn't my alarm go off?

 某問題集でアラームがなる、という文章で"go off"という表現が使われていて、単語の持つイメージがちょっと意外だった。

  • "go off"にはいろんな意味があって、ここでは「(警報機等が)鳴りだす」(to begin to make a sudden loud noise )という意味。offっていう単語が、「消え行く」という印象だっので意外だった。機械の中から外へ音がgo offする感じなのかな、と勝手に解釈。
    • The thieves ran away when the alarm went off.
    • I've set the alarm clock to go off at 7 am.
    • I woke up when the alarm went off.
    • The siren went off at noon.
  • 爆弾とかが爆発するって時にも使うんだよ。これも爆薬が爆弾の中から外へgo offするイメージ?
    • The building was evacuated before the bomb went off.
    • The bomb went off at 6.30 this morning.
    • Fireworks were going off all over the city.
    • The gun went off and the bullet went flying over his head.
    • The gun went off by accident.
    • The bomb went off in a crowded street.
    • a bomb that might go off at any moment (『Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets』より)