The reason worth the rhyme?
映画「チキ・チキ・バン・バン」[Chitty Chitty Bang Bang]の中で発明家ポッツが、2人の子どもたちに歌う歌「You Two」の歌詞より。「何が闘いに闘うだけの価値を持たせる?/何が山に登る価値を与えるんだい?/質問に答える価値があるのはなぜ?」というつぶやきに続いてのセリフ(歌詞)。「その答えは僕には簡単。大切な君たちがいるからだ」と続く。
- この部分だけすごくわかりにくいんだけど、実は "rhyme or reason" という成句があって、それをもじった表現。だから日本語にうまく訳すのは難しい。直前までの歌詞が「What makes ○○○ worth ○○○」続きなので、それに即して訳したけど、もっと単純にWhat is が省略されてると考えて「意味のある理由って何?」ってニュアンスかも。
- "rhyme or reason"は疑問文や否定文で使われる表現で「道理、分別、根拠」(a good reason or explanation for something)など。"no rhyme or reason"となれば「まともな理屈なしで、理由なく」(no sensible reason or organization/if there is no rhyme or reason why something happens, there is no obvious explanation for it)という意味になる。
- There seems to be no rhyme or reason for the school's behaviour.
- There seems to be no rhyme or reason to/for some of the things he does.
- She does things without rhyme or reason.
- Suddenly, without rhyme or reason, his mood changed.
- There seems to be neither rhyme nor reason to Gerald's filing system.
- The novel's plot had neither rhyme nor reason.
- The teacher said my report was disorganized. My paragraphs seemed to be without rhyme or reason.
- Everything you do seems to be without rhyme or reason.
- I don't know what makes her behave like that. There's no rhyme or reason to it.
- Because the cave was formed by gases that ate away the rock, there seems to be no rhyme or reason to its shape.