続 今日の英語


Put the wind up everybody.

 BBCドラマ「シャーロック」エピソード2 "The Blind Banker" より。学生時代の思い出をワトスンに語るセバスチャン。みんなの隠したいことをズバズバ言い当てるホームズが嫌だった、と。

  • "put the wind up somebody"という形で「〜をイライラさせる、怖がらせる」という意味に(if you put the wind up someone, you make them feel anxious or frightened./to frighten or alarm/to make someone feel nervous or frightened/to make someone feel anxious about their situation)。英国的用法。
  • なんとなく、put the wind up のあとに前置詞(toとかonとか)を入れたくなっちゃうんだけど、入らないんだね。
    • The threat of legal action will be enough to put the wind up them.
    • The talk of redundancies has put the wind up us. ※redundancy:過剰、余分、冗長
    • I tried to put the wind up him by threatening to call the police.
    • Say you'll take him to court if he doesn't pay up - that should put the wind up him.
  • "get/have the wind up"とすると「怖がる、心配する」という意味に(If you get the wind up, you become anxious or frightened/to become frightened/to become nervous or frightened)。英国的用法。
    • When he saw his opponent he got the wind up. ※opponent:対抗者、相手、敵
    • When they started questioning him, he got the wind up.
  • 動詞でも同じような意味で使うことがある。英国的用法。
    • She just knows how to wind me up.
    • Please don’t wind him up. He causes me enough trouble.