続 今日の英語


One of them helps himself to something, a little hairpin.

 BBCドラマ「SHERLOCK」エピソード2 "The Blind Banker" より。事件解決後のホームズ&ワトスンの会話。事件の全容について。

  • "help oneself to something"に「勝手に取る、盗む」という意味があるなんて初めて知った!
  • でもよく考えてみれば「どうぞご自由に」の "help yourself" (2011/11/12)だって、「お好きなようにどうぞ」→「許可を得なくていいから勝手にやってね」ってことだから、「許可を得ずに勝手に取っていっちゃう」(=「盗む」)っていうのと発想は同じなのか。
    • Obviously he had been helping himself to the money.
    • He helped himself to the wages she had brought home.
    • He saw the money lying on the table, and he helped himself.
    • He helped himself to the money.
    • He'd been helping himself to the money in the cash register.