続 今日の英語


She was always getting at me, saying I weren’t a real man.

 BBCドラマ「SHERLOCK」エピソード3 "The Great Game" より。のんびりペースの英語メモも、やっとS1最終話に!
 冒頭シーン。文法がめちゃくちゃな英語を話す青年とシャーロックの会話から。この後 "weren't" じゃなくて "wasn't" だ、とシャーロックが訂正するようなやりとりが続く。

  • "get at somebody/something"で「〜に対して文句を言い続ける、小言を言う、攻撃する、避難する、(何度も)意地悪なことを言う」(to keep criticizing someone in an unkind way/to criticize (someone) repeatedly/to irritate or annoy persistently/criticize)という意味に。英英で見ると keep とか repeatedly とか入ってるから、「繰り返し、しつこく」っていうニュアンスがあるのがわかる。こういう言い方初めて知った。簡単な単語の組み合わせなのにね!
  • Merriam Learner's Dictionary には英国英語との注釈あり。米語では get on が一般的とのこと。
    • Why is he always getting at me?
    • She is always getting at him.
    • He keeps getting at me and I really don't know what I've done wrong.
    • I hope you didn't think I was getting at you.
    • He says his teachers are always getting at [=(US) getting on] him unfairly.
    • He felt he was being got at by the other students. ※受け身
    • He's always being got at by his teachers.
  • ちなみにこのセリフの前に「彼女とケンカした」という意味で "have a ding-dong" という表現を使っていて、これも面白いなと思った。ding-dongも英国英語で「激しいケンカ」という意味(a fierce argument or fight/a noisy argument)。
    • They had a bit of a ding-dong.
    • They were having another ding-dong about money.
    • They had a real ding-dong in the middle of the restaurant.