続 今日の英語


I appreciate the gesture, but…

 NHK Eテレしごとの基礎英語」11月放送分より。キーフレーズからの関連表現で。好意の申し出を丁寧に断る断り方。

  • こういう場合のgestureという単語を日本語に訳そうとしても、ぱっとひとつの単語がなかなかないのだけれど、「気持ちの表れ(としての行為)/意図や態度の表示、表現」といったような意味。おなじみの単語に、こんな便利な使い方があるとは知らなかった。この記事を書いてすぐにネイティブ友が使ってるのを目にした。
  • 英語での説明の方がわかりやすい。(something said or done to show a particular feeling or attitude/something that you say or do, often something small, to show how you feel about someone or something/something that you do or say to show a particular feeling or intention)
    • This is a little gesture of thanks from all of us. ※この日のジョブ基礎でのピックアップ例文
    • They sent some flowers as a gesture of sympathy to the parents of the child.
    • It was a nice gesture to invite his wife too.
    • We do not accept responsibility but we will refund the money as a gesture of goodwill. ※goodwill:好意、親切、善意
    • His speech was at least a gesture towards improving relations between the two countries.
    • The president's visit was mainly a symbolic gesture.
    • They decided it would be a nice gesture to send her a card.
    • Tearing up the price list was simply a symbolic gesture.
    • As a gesture of goodwill, we have decided to waive the charges on this occasion. ※waive:放棄する
    • The Queen has now made a gesture towards public opinion.