続 今日の英語


It’s a good job I’m not one of them.

 BBCドラマ「SHERLOCK」S1エピソード3 "The Great Game" より。あまりにも犯罪がなくて暇を持てあますシャーロックのグチ。"I don’t know what’s got into the criminal classes."(犯罪者達は何をやっているんだ)(14/2/6)というセリフに続けて。

  • "It's a good job…"のjobは仕事を指すわけじゃなくて、"It's a good thing…"と同じ意味になるんだって。英国英語。「〜でよかった、幸運だった」という意味。(If you say it's a good thing, or in British English it's a good job, that something is the case, you mean that it is fortunate/used to say that you are glad something happened, because there would have been problems if it had not happened/used to say that you are pleased about a situation or that somebody is lucky that something happened/used to mean "it is lucky")
  • 最初「僕が犯罪者でなくてよかった」っていうのは、「そんなつまんない仕事してなくてよかった」って意味かなと思ったんだけど、深読みすると、「僕が犯罪者だったらこんなに世の中を安穏としておかないよ!今怠けてるふがいない奴らとは違って、とびきりの犯罪しまくるよ!ほんと僕が犯罪者じゃなくてよかったよ。」って意味のがしっくりくるなと思ったんだけど、どうなんだろ。
    • It's a good thing you aren't married...,
    • It's a good thing you're at home. I've lost my keys.
    • It's a good job it happened here rather than on the open road.
    • It's a good job that we left early to avoid the traffic.
    • It's a good job you were there to help.
    • It's a good job they didn't go camping last weekend - the weather was awful.