続 今日の英語


Oh, come off it, you don't think we'd let you go alone?

 『Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone』(ハリーポッターと賢者の石)より。スネイプの陰謀を阻止しようと、夜中に一人で危ない橋を渡ろうとするハリー。でも、ロンもハーマイオニーも、ハリーを一人で行かせはしないよ!というシーンでのロンのセリフ。

  • "come off it" は「ばかなこと言うなよ/ばかな考えはよせよ/そんなこと言うなよ/やめろよ」と、人の意見をさえぎる時や、人の言うことを信じてない時に使う表現。(to stop talking or acting in a foolish way ― usually used as an interjection/used to tell someone that you do not believe what they are saying/stop saying or doing that/used to disagree with somebody rudely/used to tell someone that you do not believe what they are saying is true, or that you strongly disagree with them/ to stop being wrong, foolish, or pretentious; be truthful or honest)
    • I could be a pro golfer if I really tried.---Oh, come off it! You're not even close to being that good!
    • Oh come off it! You can't seriously be saying you knew nothing about this.
    • Come off it, Pete, there's no reason to be scared of asking her for a date.
    • Come off it! We don't have a chance.
    • Ask Simon to cook the meal? Come off it, he can hardly boil an egg!
    • Come off it―we know you're as poor as the rest of us.
  • ドラマ「フルハウス」のジョーイの決め台詞の"cut it out"と同じような感じなのかな?と思って調べてみた。"cut it out"を英英辞書で確認すると、「used to tell someone to stop doing something because it is annoying you/used to tell somebody to stop doing or saying something annoying」とある。"come off it" には、相手の行動に同意しないぞ、という気持ち(strongly disagreeとかdo not believeとか)が背景があるのに対して、"cut it out" は、相手の言動にイラッときてる、煩わしい(annoying)からやめさせたい、という気持ちが背景にあるのが違いのよう。cutという単語の持つ、バサッとした印象が感じられる。
    • Hey, you guys, cut it out - Mom's trying to get some sleep.
    • That's enough, kids. I mean it! Cut it out!
    • His friends kept fooling around, and he kept hoping they'd cut it out.
    • I'm sick of you two arguing―just cut it out!
  • この "come off it" と "cut it out" のニュアンスの違いを調べていたら、こちらのサイトがわかりやすかった。

(Philosopher's Stoneがイギリス版、Sorcerer's Stoneがアメリカ版。)