Books were stacked three deep on the mantelpiece, ...
『Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets』(ハリーポッターと秘密の部屋)より。初めてウィーズリー家を訪れたハリーが部屋の中を描写するシーンで。
- ここで使われている deep は、副詞。"two deep" や "three deep" という形で使い、「2/3列(段/層)に〜する」という意味になる。(if things or people are two deep, three deep etc, there are two, three etc rows or layers of things or people/if people or things are two deep, three deep etc, there are two, three etc rows of them behind or on top of one another/In a specified number of ranks one behind another)
- People were standing four deep at the bar.
- They parked the cars three deep [=three cars in a row], and our car was stuck in the middle.
- People were standing three deep at the side of the road to watch the procession. ※procession:行列、行進
- They were standing three-deep at the bar.