They are hassles.
- hassle=(米口語)「骨の折れる仕事(something that is annoying, because it causes problems or is difficult to do)」、hassle-freeならば「簡単な、手間がかからない」となる。これもwithout peer 同様、広告によく見られる表現かなと思う。
- They are so much trouble.なども同意。簡単だけど、意外にとっさに言えなそう・・(^^;)
- ちなみに日本語と一緒で「contact lenses」は「contacts」と省略するのが普通だと、昔なにかで読んだことがある。
- if they give you any hassle, just tell them it's for me.
- I don't feel like cooking tonight, it's too much hassle.
- It's such a hassle not having a washing machine.