This is a tempest in a teapot.
- tempestは「激しい嵐」のこと。"tempest in a teapot/teacup"で、ささいなことに対して人々が怒ったり悩んだり過剰な反応をしている状況をあらわす。辞書には「から騒ぎ」との訳も。英国ではtempestがstormに。"the" ではなく "a" を使う。
- The whole affair is just a tempest in a teapot. In a couple of months everyone will have forgotten about it.
- Haley dismissed the lawsuit as a tempest in a teapot. ※dismiss the lawsuit/訴訟を取り下げる
- The fight over who should become the next assistant treasurer of the organization is just a tempest in a teacup. ※treasurer/出納係、会計