続 今日の英語


Michel looks as if butter wouldn't melt in his mouth, but don't be taken in by him.


  • "butter wouldn't melt in someone's mouth" = "look very innocent (but is not really)"。「バターが口でとけない人」っていうのが「悪意のない人」を表しているのがとても面白いなと思った。内がメラメラしてないから腹に一物持ってない→悪意がない、といった発想か?「虫も殺さぬ顔をして」という表現が訳であてられていることが多い(が、日常会話であまり使わないのでここでは敢えて当てなかった)。
    • She looks as though butter wouldn't melt in her mouth but I've seen her fighting with the younger kids.
  • be taken inは「だまされる」という意味。
    • Don't be taken in by products claiming to help you lose weight in a week.
    • I was taken in by a fraud.
    • Not only have you been taken in by a totally idiotic rumor, you have been taken in by a totally idiotic rumor that is years out of date.