If you have a significant sum due you, you may find that the person who owes you may declare bankruptcy, leaving you holding the bag.
Susan Miller の西洋占星術、山羊座8月の予報より。嫌な予報だなコレ!
- "be left holding the bag" で、「他の人がとるはずだった責任を負わされる(to suddenly have to deal with a difficult problem or responsibility because someone else has decided they do not want to deal with it./to be left as the only person responsible for dealing with a difficult situation, especially something someone else started)」という意味に。英国では bag が baby になって "be left holding the baby"。baby のほうが残された人間の途方にくれた感じが出る気が・・・。
- He abandoned the project after a year because he felt that it was going to fail and I was left holding the baby.
- He was left holding the financial baby when his musical partner joined another band.
- When they quit the clean-up committee, Lucy was left holding the bag.
- 今日の例文のように"leave someone holding the bag/baby" でも使われる。
- When the angry customer started to complain, my colleague disappeared and left me holding the baby.
- Her friends said they were too busy to help with cleaning up, and left Lucy holding the bag.
- If we loan the company money we want to be sure it won't fail and leave us holding the bag.
- He left me holding the bag. I had to finish the work by myself.
- After the accident, he just vanished and left me holding the bag.