Bear with me, I'm new to this.
TwitterのDick Van Dykeのアカウント、最初のつぶやき。これ、本人だと思うんだけど、ほんとに本人かな。
- "bear with me"で「少々お待ちください」という決まり文句(used to ask someone politely to wait while you find out information, finish what you are doing etc)。bear with someone/somethingという表現が「〜をしんぼう強く待つ/〜に我慢する」という意味となる。(be patient or tolerant with ※tolerant:〜に寛大・寛容な/to be patient or continue to do something difficult or unpleasant/to be patient with someone or something; to wait upon someone or something. (Especially through difficulties.))
- 英和辞書だと"She bore with..."と、過去形の例文も出てくるんだけど、英英で調べるとたいがいが「待ってください」というお願いの表現だ。
- Bear with me a minute, and I'll check if Mr Garrard's in.
- It's boring, but please bear with it.
- Please bear with me for a moment while I try to get this straightened out.
- Can you bear with the committee until it reaches a decision?
- Just bear with me while I finish downloading this file.
- Bear with me while I tell you my story.
- Please bear with me a moment while I finish this email.
- Please bear with me while I fill out the paperwork.