続 今日の英語


You're pretty childish. So if the cap fits...

 BBCドラマ「シャーロック」エピソード2 "The Blind Banker" について記したワトスンのブログエントリ(The blog of Dr. John. H. Watson)に関して、ホームズが「何だいこの書き方は。僕は子供向けストーリーのキャラクターじゃないんだぞ。」と抗議。それにワトスンがこう返す。

  • 前にとりあげた "if the shoe fits, wear it!(10/12/1)" っていう表現と同じで"if the cap fits, (wear it)"で「(その言葉/批判)が自分に当てはまると思うなら、自分のことと思い、受け入れなさい」という意味に。(something that you say to tell someone that if they are guilty of something bad, they should accept criticism/used to tell someone that you think a criticism of them is true/said to tell someone that if they are guilty of bad behaviour, they should accept criticism)
    • Look, I didn't say who was to blame for this mess - but if the cap fits, wear it.
    • So you think I'm a liar.---Well, if the cap fits...
    • I didn't actually say that you were lazy, but if the cap fits…
  • 同じく以前とりあげた "if the boot fits (, it's yours)!(04/5/20) "もほぼ同じ状況で使われるのだと思われる。
