続 今日の英語


Biding my time.

 BBCドラマ「シャーロック」エピソード1 "A Study in Pink" より(※ネタバレあり)。犯人との対決で、毒薬入りかもしれないカプセルを本当に飲むつもりだっただろう、と言われたホームズは、君が来る事はわかっていたからね、それまで時間をかせいでいただけさ、と答える。

  • "bide one's time"で「好機を待つ」という意味になる。(to wait until the right moment to do something/to wait patiently for a good opportunity to do something)辞書を引くとbideという単語は、だいたいこの形(bide one's time)で使われることが多いみたい。ただ「待つ」というより、「辛抱強く待つ」というニュアンス。
    • They are stronger than us and can afford to bide their time.
    • He is biding his time before asking his parents for a loan.
    • He decided to bide his time until he got an opportunity to talk to her alone.
    • I've been biding my time for years, just waiting for a chance like this.
    • He's not the type just to sit there and bide his time. He wants some action now.
    • She was biding her time until she could get her revenge.
    • She decided to bide her time until her children were all in school before she went to graduate school.
