He could be the making of my brother…or make him worse than ever.
BBCドラマ「シャーロック」エピソード1 "A Study in Pink" より。事件解決後、ホームズとワトスンの2人を見送りながらマイクロフトがつぶやいた一言。makingとmakeを使ってリズムのいいセリフ。
- makingは名詞。ここでは be the making of somebodyの形で「〜の成功・進歩のもととなる」という意味で使われている。(to make someone a much better or more successful person/if you say that an event or experience was the making of someone, you mean that it made them develop good qualities (never in present tenses))←現在形で使われることはない。
- College was the making of Joe.
- You'll see - a couple of years abroad will be the making of him.
- A spell in the army will be the making of him! ※spell:ひと続きの仕事、期間
- University was the making of her, because she was able to escape the influence of her family at last.
- His time in the army was the making of him.
- That movie was the making of her as an actress.
- have the makings of somethingという形になると「素質がある、求められる資質がある」(to have the qualities or skills necessary to do a particular job/to have the qualities that are necessary to become something)となる。この場合はmakingは複数形makingsに。
- The young boy had the makings of a fine baseball player.
- My boss has all the makings of a prison warden. ※warden:管理人、監視人
- He has the makings of a world-class footballer.
- He has (all) the makings of a great quarterback.
- Her first novel has all the makings of a classic.
- He has the makings of a first-rate lawyer.