続 今日の英語


Keep themselves to themselves mostly,…

 『Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone』(ハリーポッターと賢者の石)より。ケンタウロスについてハーマイオニーに説明するハグリッドのセリフ。

  • "keep oneself to oneself" が成句。「ひとりぼっちでいる/付き合いを避ける」という意味に(to remain aloof ※aloof:打ち解けない/to live a very quiet private life and not do many things that involve other people/to stay apart from other people/to avoid other people/ to avoid meeting people socially or becoming involved in their affairs)。
    • He does tend to keep himself to himself.
    • Keep yourself to yourself, and you'll be all right there.
    • He's a very private person - he keeps himself to himself.
  • "keep to oneself" だけでも同じ意味で使える。"keep oneself to oneself"のほうが英国的用法というだけの違いみたい。ハリポタ米国版は "keep to themselves" になってるのかな。見てみたいな。
    • Ann tends to keep to herself. She doesn't have many friends.
    • I try to keep to myself each morning so I can get some work done.
    • She was a shy girl who kept pretty much to herself.
    • Nobody knows much about him; he keeps very much to himself.

(Philosopher's Stoneがイギリス版、Sorcerer's Stoneがアメリカ版。)