続 今日の英語


Rokudenashiko -which roughly translates as “good-for-nothing girl”

(ろくでなし子…ざっくり訳すと "good-for-nothing girl")
 先日わいせつ電磁的記録頒布容疑の疑いで逮捕された、ろくでなし子さんのニュースを伝える英文記事(the guardian ※リンク先、性的な表現が含まれます。閲覧注意。)で、「ろくでなし子」という名前の意味が直訳で説明されていた。

  • "good-for-nothing" は、まさに「ろくでなし、役に立たない・価値のない人(もの)、能なし」を意味する語(of no use or value/a good-for-nothing person is lazy and useless/A person of little worth or usefulness)。
    • an idle good-for-nothing drunk
    • I like Jane, but I can't stand that lazy good-for-nothing brother of hers.
    • Where's that good-for-nothing son of yours?
    • They’re all good-for-nothing losers.
  • 名詞としても使える。
    • Her brother is a lazy good-for-nothing.
    • He's a stupid good-for-nothing.
    • She told him he was a lazy good-for-nothing and should get a job .
  • 実は『ハリーポッターと賢者の石(Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone)』で、ペチュニアおばさんがハリーの父を描写するシーンでも使われていて、その時一度調べてたけど忘れてた。
    • Mrs Dursley pretended she didn't have a sister, because her sister and her good-for-nothing husband were as unDursleyish as it was possible to be.