続 今日の英語


You made your bed so now you must lay in/on it!


  • 自分でメイクアップしたベッドがどんなに心地悪くても、自分でやったんだから責任もって寝なさい→自分の蒔いた種は自分で刈り取れってこと。As you make your bed, so you must lie on it. と、asを使うなどいくつかバリエーションあり。日本では農耕分野での例え、英語ではベッドメイキング…お国柄がうかがえる。
  • どうでもいいけど lie-lay-lain(横たわる)と lay-laid-laid(横たえる)はいまだにややこしくて苦手。
    • Tom insisted on taking a trip to Florida in August, after we all told him how hot it was then. Now that he's there, all he does is complain about the heat. As you make your bed, so you must lie upon it.
    • You were the one who chose these house painters because they were cheap. I told you they'd do a terrible job. As you make your bed, so must you lie in it.