続 今日の英語


Bless them, they'll go to any lengths to ignore magic, even if it's staring them in the face…

 『Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets』(ハリーポッターと秘密の部屋)より。魔法省に勤めるウィーズリーおじさんが、今日の仕事のことを子供達に話すシーン。鍵がどんどん縮まっていく魔法をかけられても、魔法を信じないマグルたちは、自分が鍵をなくしてしまったんだと言い張る、という話で。

  • "go to any length"、"go to/great/some/extreme lengths" は、「〜するためならどんなことでもする、努力を惜しまない(to do whatever is necessary/to try very hard or to do whatever is necessary to achieve something that is important to you/to make a great or extreme effort to do something/to put a lot of effort into doing something, especially when this seems extreme)」という意味だけれど、ここでは「鍵がなくなるなんて魔法があるわけがない、自分がなくしたんだ」というマグルの考えを述べた後のセリフなので、「どんなことだって考える」というふうにしてみた。
    • I'll go to any length to secure this contract.
    • I want to get a college degree, but I won't go to any length to get one.
    • She would go to any lengths to fulfil her ambition.
    • She'll go to any length to avoid doing work.
    • He went to great lengths to keep their name out of the papers. ※keep 〜 out of…:〜を...から締め出す、中に入れない
    • She goes to extraordinary lengths to keep her private life private.
    • He went to great lengths to learn the truth.
    • Some people go to great lengths to make their homes attractive .
    • He'll go to any lengths to get what he wants.
    • He would go to any lengths to get his own way.
